Comments on High Performance Linux Router With Optional LMS Web Panel And Radius Server In 5 Minutes
High Performance Linux Router With Optional LMS Web Panel And Radius Server In 5 Minutes Every network administrator managing a pool of many routers, knows how important configuration repeatability is. For this reason I have presented how to install high performance router under Debian Linux OS with configuration done in an easily editable text files in few simple and pleasant steps. The whole installation should not take more than 5 minutes!
4 Comment(s)
Very poor tutorial: no project desciption, no comments, no links to project page. What is and whay pliki is on it's server? I have managed to find only pdf document in Polish language. Is there any english description? Who created that system? Seems very suspicious to me... And the "tutorial" only teaches how to download file and unzip it and start shell script. Can we call it "tutorial"?
install ok but how to login LMS?
Default login for LMS panel is: admin/admin
Website address as You can gues is
True there is no english documentation yet. It is free project, so You cant demand anything. There is, You can ask a question there.
I have tested it in production environments from 1000 - 4000 users. Cpu load was minimal. One core out of eight at 30% at max speed arround 500 Mbit.
I've managed to install this software, logged in to LMS, added few computers but they do not have access to internet. WAN is eth1, internal ip's used by those computers are, Does the firewall MASQUERADES eth1?