Comments on Daily Journal With Panel Launcher

Daily Journal With Panel Launcher I keep a daily journal because my memory is not what it used to be. I have friends who keep daily journals just because they like to write. I use gedit for most text-related work and recently learned how to make a special panel launcher for my journal. I keep my daily journal in a folder called "office" but the month and year change, so my journal for this month is named 200908.journal or "yyyymm.journal". Now, making a panel launcher to open a file with gedit is no big deal but I found that using "gedit /home/user/office/*.journal" in the Command portion of the launcher doesn't work. I think this is due to the wildcard, "*", and I will show you how to overcome this problem. Using the month and year in the panel launcher requires that you edit the launcher every month and I didn't want to have to do that so I came up with a way to open a file from a panel launcher regardless of the file name.

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By: Kelly Fulks

Create a shell script in your $HOME/bin directory as follows

/usr/bin/gedit $HOME/.journal/`date +%Y%m`.journal

Don't forget to make your shell script executable using chmod.

Then you can link this to the launcher button and it will always open the file for the current month and year.  When you browse to the .journal folder, you will see all the journals sorted properly by month and year if you need to reference an older one.

 No cron job, no editing the launcher, not looking in separate places.  This could be further enhanced by placing the files into yearly directories if desired, or maybe you want a daily journal instead of a monthly journal.  The possibilities become nearly endless by using a panel launcher with a shell script for something like this.