Comments on General Maintenance of Arch Linux Systems

Maintaing an Arch Linux installation is actually extremely simple and straightforward, as long as you keep a few things in mind. The rolling release nature of the distribution means we never have to worry about major version upgrades like other distributions (Ubuntu and Debian to name a few..).

12 Comment(s)

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By: archuser

Arch Users do not need any tutorials , we are experts. 

By: Clifford Garwood

Long time archer here and I managed to learn a new thing. Nice article and solid advice. One of arches greatest benefits is pacman. IMHO, the best package manager out there, right next to apt.

By: Jonathan DeMasi

Curious which part was new for you!  I'm actually (relatively) new, but I'm coming from Gentoo land, so Arch is uh... Way less headaches. ;-) 

By: Forbajato

I have never used rankmirrors before, interesting tool. If you haven't checked out Reflector ( it may interest you.  If you have and decided against it can you elaborate?

By: Jonathan DeMasi

Interesting, thanks for sharing!  I have never actually used Reflector.  I have a script that I run with cron weekly to update my mirrorlist for me.  I wrote it in about 15 minutes, and since it worked I never looked for another solution.  

By: Jill


By: Hussam Al-Tayeb

@archuser, this is the kind of comment and attitude that makes me dislike the Arch Linux community after 20 years of using Linux and after 9 years of using Arch Linux.

You're not better than anyone else. In fact, with the introduction of optdepends, Arch Linux is one of the least "KISS" Linux distributions right now. Upstream never intended software to be installed with broken dependencies.

You people ruined every thing Judd Vinet achieved.

By: Coco Lores

@Hussam Al-Tayeb: Thanks a lot, you found the right words!

By: David Albert

Great summary...thank you!On my system I also had to:      sudo timedatectl set-ntp truebefore 'sudo timedatectl status' would show NTP synchronizing properly...otherwise it would not synchronize (even after ntpd was enabled and the system was rebooted).

By: GollyGeeWizz

Who gives a damn dude. I think the guy was just being sarcastic anyways. If you want KISS, go install Mint or Ubuntu. Arch isn't meant to be that type of distro. It just happens to be a distro for more advanced users that's happens to have a manual that doesn't require a phD in CS to be able to understand it. 

By: UWotMate

Do you even know what "KISS" means? Arch Linux is literally built upon the idea of simplicity. Mint and Ubuntu are not.

By: swordkorn

Fantastic guide! Great tips! Will definitely keep this page in my back pocket!