Comments on Adding WiKID Two-Factor Authentication To Google Apps For Your Domain

Adding WiKID Two-Factor Authentication To Google Apps For Your Domain Google offers two-factor authentication for Google Apps via their own authenticator. Why would you want to use WiKID instead? Well, for starters, since you have outsourced most of your security to Google, the only security you can control is authentication. Wouldn't you like to keep a close eye on the keys to your kingdom? Second, have you ever tried to get support from Google? Third, does Google provide you with the logging required to meet your compliance needs?

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By: Anonymous

Would it not be better to use mozilla's persona? 

 Any chance of doing a howto article on mozilla's persona?


Persona is not two-factor auth, but a single sign-on tech.  Since it requires an email address, presumably you would rely on Google for it (and they do not offer it).  One idea with this tutorial is that you are separating your authentication from your email provider, making it easier to control and potentially change email providers.