Articles by shuaibzahda
Install WebVZ 2.0 On Debian Etch To Administrate OpenVZ
Author: shuaibzahda • Tags: debian, openvz, virtualization • Comments: 10
Install WebVZ 2.0 On Debian Etch To Administrate OpenVZ WebVZ is one of the simplest and most powerful web management tools for OpenVZ. This article explains how you can install WebVZ 2.0 on a Debian Etch system.
How To Extract Values From top And Plot Them
Author: shuaibzahda • Tags: linux, monitoring • Comments: 17How To Extract Values From top And Plot Them Many researchers who are doing performance evaluation and benchmarking need to capture the values of the CPU and the RAM. Others might need to capture the throughput as well. In this short tutorial I will show how I capture the CPU and RAM values from “top” and then extract them in one line command.
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