Articles by nayyares
Resolving Domains Internally And Externally With Bind9 And Caching Nameserver
Author: nayyares • Tags: bind, dns • Comments: 4Resolving Domains Internally And Externally With Bind9 And Caching Nameserver Some times, we are required to resolve our internal domains on a local nameserver and external (internet) domains on our ISP's nameserver. There are different solutions to this problem, but in this howto, we are going to solve it through configuring a combination of caching-nameserver and BIND 9.
Building Apache with PHP, MySQL, OCI8 instant client support
Author: nayyares • Tags: apache, php • Comments: 2Building Apache with PHP, MySQL, OCI8 instant client supportThere are many howtos on building Apache with PHP, MYSQL support, but it is very rare to find some document on OCI8 support with Apache Build, recently I was building a web server in my data center and I was really in trouble when I was searching some installation document, there are few documents , but most of them are using either RPM version of packages or they are missing some of the essential steps. I am trying to write a howto that will help you to at least understand the installation with step-by-step method.
.htaccess Based Authentication On Subdirectories
Author: nayyares • Tags: apache, apache • Comments: 5.htaccess Based Authentication On Subdirectories .htaccess is used to provide facility of changing configuration per directory basis, this file can contain one or more directives that are going to be forced on the directory that contains the.htaccess file. In this howto, I will take a dummy scenario of two parallel level subdirectories and will implement password authentication on both of them. This means only those users can access these directories that have the correct username and password.