Articles by gbi
Remote MySQL Performance And Query Monitoring
Author: gbi • Tags: linux, mysql • Comments: 0
Remote MySQL Performance and Query Monitoring There may be the situation that you have to monitor a MySQL server remotely. There are some linux tools to do performance and query monitoring locally, and these tools can also used to monitor remotely - but only unencrypted ! Also often MySQL is only listening on the loopback interface, so it is even not reachable remotely over the net (which is very good seen from the security viewpoint). But there is an easy solution in the Linux world.
System Monitoring With sar And ksar
Author: gbi • Tags: linux, monitoring • Comments: 3
System Monitoring With sar And ksar sar is one of the old and famous commandline utilities, which is often overlooked. It provides a wealth of information when you have kind of performance bottlenecks. By itself it only provides lengthy columns of numerical data, kind of hard to interpret. sar exists on most Linux distributions, for example Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Gentoo, and is also available on Solaris, AIX, and other commercial Unices. ksar, on the other hand, is a Java based front end for sar's numerical data. It produces friendly graphs which could be exported to .pdf and some other formats.
Flexnet License Monitoring With rrdtool
Author: gbi • Tags: centos, linux, monitoring, ubuntu • Comments: 0
Flexnet License Monitoring With rrdtool Some of you may know the commercial Flexnet Licencing Application (©Macrovision). It's a client-server based solution for managing the usage of socalled Flexnet-enabled applications. You can hold licenses of more than one product on one license-server. As you typically have to buy licenses and licenses can be expensive it would be nice to have a monitoring solution, to see the utilization of the precious licenses, wether they are underutilized (so money is wasted) or are always fully utilized (so that you can suspect that sometimes people can not do their work, or only delayed) which is also a waste of resources. As far as I know there are commercial applications for performing such reports, but again you have to spent money. Why not build a simple system yourself, which shows the actual and past usage in an "MRTG style"?
Expanding A Root-FS
Author: gbi • Tags: centos, linux, storage • Comments: 3
Expanding A Root-FS There might be the situation, that your root filesystem runs out of space, so it has to be expanded. With filesystems other than the root filesystem this could easily be done for instance with gparted. With the root filesystem this is not possible, as gparted could only expand filesystems that are not mounted, which is impossible with the root filesystem. The only way to enlarge the root filesystem is to boot from a kind of rescuesystem, Live-CD or the like, and then to expand the root filesystem. The following tutorial describes, how this is achieved by using Systemrescue-CD.
Wireshark Remote Capturing
Author: gbi • Tags: monitoring • Comments: 3Wireshark Remote Capturing This short tutorial is without screenshots but a slightly more advanced usecase of Wireshark, namely doing the capture on one box and visualize the captured data in realtime on another box.
Fully Utilizing Your X-Core CPU
Author: gbi • Tags: linux • Comments: 9
Fully Utilizing Your X-Core CPU Almost all systems sold nowadays have at least a dual-core CPU, even triple- or quad-cores are getting cheaper and getting standard in the near future. But how to utilize your shiny x-core to it's full potential, with applications that are only utilizing one core ? With Linux, which has strong multitasking capabilities as all unixoid operating systems, there is an easy possibility to parallelize tasks which are normally only using one core of an x-core CPU.
Trafficanalysis Using Debian Lenny
Author: gbi • Tags: debian, monitoring • Comments: 0
Trafficanalysis Using Debian Lenny By using my Network Monitoring Appliance we noticed a link in MRTG always under heavy load. On this link a lot of different traffic aggregates, so we decided to analyze of what quantities of protocols and therefore applications the cumulative traffic consists.
Network Monitoring Appliance
Author: gbi • Tags: lighttpd, monitoring, ubuntu • Comments: 9
Network Monitoring Appliance My ambition was to implement a small (better tiny) appliance for monitoring network health and network resources, short and longtime trends, running under VMware Server or VMware ESX. So I had an eye upon all components which are implemented on the system, to be as leightweight as possible. This was also the reason why no SQL DBMS based software was used. The appliance is based on Ubuntu Jeos LTS (8.04.3 at the time of this writing). Almost all used components are from the related repositories. This tutorial shows how the appliance was implemented.