Articles by Antonio Valencia
Check Internet Speed with speedtest-cli on Debian and Ubuntu
Author: Antonio Valencia • Tags: debian, desktop, linux, server, ubuntu • Comments: 15This tutorial shows you how to test the network connection speed of Debian and Ubuntu desktop and server systems by using the speedtest-cli tool.
How to install Fail2Ban on CentOS 7
Author: Antonio Valencia • Tags: centos, linux, security, server • Comments: 11Most Linux servers offer an SSH login via Port 22 for remote administration purposes. This port is a well-known port, therefore, it is often attacked by brute force attacks. Fail2ban is a software that scans log files for brute force login attempts in real-time and bans the attackers with firewalld or iptables. This tutorial shows the installation and configuration of Fail2Ban with firewalld on CentOS 7.
How to install and configure Solr 6 on Ubuntu 16.04
Author: Antonio Valencia • Tags: linux, server, ubuntu • Comments: 14
Apache Solr is an enterprise-class open source search platform written in Java which enables you to create custom search engines that index databases, files, and websites. This tutorial will show you how to install the latest Solr version on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus). The steps will most likely work with later Ubuntu versions as well.
How to use Port Knocking on Ubuntu to hide the SSH port
Author: Antonio Valencia • Tags: linux, security, ubuntu • Comments: 14
You all know these old gangster films where a guy uses a knock sequence on a door to get in? Port Knocking is exactly that, just for your server. Installing port knocking on Ubuntu is easy. I will show you in this article how to install and set up port knocking. The steps from this tutorials should work for Debian 8 as well.
How To Install a Mumble Server on CentOS 7
Author: Antonio Valencia • Tags: centos, linux, server • Comments: 7
Mumble is a free application primarily intended for use by gamers which allows users to talk to each other while gaming. In this article, I will show you how to install the Voice Over IP application Murmur on CentOS 7.
Install MariaDB 10.0 on CentOS 6
Author: Antonio Valencia • Tags: centos, linux, mysql, server • Comments: 2
MariaDB is a community-developed fork of MySQL and aims to be an enhanced, drop-in replacement for it. The following tutorial will guide you through the steps to install MariaDB 10.0 on CentOS 6.
How to Install a Mumble Voice Chat Server on Ubuntu 14.04
Author: Antonio Valencia • Tags: linux, server, ubuntu • Comments: 0
Mumble is a voice chat application which is designed for the gamer's so that they can to talk to each other by connecting their mumble clients to the same server. This Voice over IP application is similar to Ventrilo and TeamSpeak. The simple administration interface, high-quality codecs and low latency makes it quite popular. In this article, I will tell you how you can install and configure Murmur on to your systems. Murmur is a server component of Mumble.
How to install and configure Solr 5.5 on Ubuntu 14.04
Author: Antonio Valencia • Tags: linux, server, ubuntu • Comments: 1
Apache Solr is an enterprise-class open source search platform written in Java which enables you to create custom search engines that index databases, files, and websites. This tutorial will show you how to install the latest Solr version on Ubuntu 14.04. The steps will most likely work with later Ubuntu versions as well.
How to Install PostgreSQL 9.5 on Ubuntu (12.04 - 15.10)
Author: Antonio Valencia • Tags: linux, server, ubuntu • Comments: 5
This tutorial shows the installation of the latest PostgreSQL 9.5 version on Ubuntu. We will use the official repository from, so you can update your server easily in future and get direct updates and patches from the database vendor. The steps have been tested with Ubuntu versions from 12.04 until 15.10.
Installing Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 14.04 - 15.10
Author: Antonio Valencia • Tags: linux, programming, server, ubuntu, web server • Comments: 8
Ruby on Rails, popularly called ROR, is a Ruby framework for web programming. Ruby is a general purpose language like C, Java. Ruby has been invented by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto about a decade ago and has gained recognition with its Rails software library framework which provides a web development framework for the Ruby programming language. Listed below are easy to follow steps to install ROR successfully on the Ubuntu versions 14.04 LTS to 15.10 using Ruby Version Manager (RVM). RVM offers an easy way to install and manage multiple Ruby versions.