uvhd - File Investigation Utility

'uvhd' is a binary file investigation utility. It displays the contents of any file in vertical hexadecimal format, and prompts for commands to browse, search, select, update, scan/replace, print, translate, etc. uvhd is an interactive utility with a command line interface and 18 help screens.

Copyright(C) 1993-2008, UV Software Inc, distributed under GPLv3


Licensed under GPLv3

This program is free software: you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GPLv3 (GNU General Public License version 3), as published by the Free Software Foundation. See the full description of the GNU General Public License at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses.


Download and Compile

You may download uvhd from http://www.uvsoftware.ca/libuvhd.htm. uvhd requires only the standard ANSI C libraries. Compile as follows:

 cc src/uvhd.c -o bin/uvhd    <-- compile uvhd

The above assumes you are logged in to your home directory on Linux or Unix, have set up sub-directories 'src' and 'bin', and stored the downloaded source (uvhd.c) in the 'src' subdir. We will also assume you have added $HOME/bin to your $PATH for the following tutorials.


uvhd Tutorials

This article will present 3 illustrations, using uvhd on 3 types of binary files, demonstrating file display, browsing, searching, selecting, & updating.

In this article, we will not cover the many other features & options which are documented in the reference manual http://www.uvsoftware.ca/uvhd.htm.

A1. Tutorial #1 - invetigate an executable binary program
  - search the uvhd program itself (for 'version')
B1. Tutorial #2 - investigate /var/log/wtmp log file
  - logs events such as: reboot,shutdown,logins(userids)
  - select records for specified userid, write separate file
C1. Tutorial #3 - investigate a typical mainframe file migrated to Unix/Linux
- customer master file with Name,Address,& 24 packed decimal monthly sales
- search & update 1 record at a time interactively
- or 1 command to search all records replacing 1 pattern with a 2nd pattern


A1. Tutorial #1 - search executable file

If you have downloaded and compiled uvhd (as described above), you can do this tutorial right now. For our first binary file to investigate, let's use the compiled uvhd program. We will also specify options 'r256s3', which specifies 'r'ecord size as 256 and 's'pacing as 3 (space after scale and between groups).

 uvhd bin/uvhd r256s3  <-- execute uvhd to display bin/uvhd with options r256s3
 ====================    - r256 Record-size (256 is the default if omitted)
                         - s3 Spaces between scale and 3 line groups

filename=/home/uvadm/bin/uvhd options=r256s3 records=813 filesize=104126 recsize=256 fsize%rsize(remainder)=62

                10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#  1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
     0 .ELF..............>.......@[email protected][[email protected]...@..... <-chars
       744400000000000000300000B040000040000000450000000000403000401010 <-zones
       F5C621100000000020E010000D000000000000008B100000000000808000D0A0 <-digits
    64 ........@.......@.@.....@.@.....................................
   128 ..........@.......@.............................................
   192 ..@[email protected]........ ..............@.......@a.....

null=next,r#=rec,s=search,u=update,x=rollback,p=print,i=iprint,w=write,e=count ,g=genseq#,c=chkseq#,t=translate(ta=Asc,te=Ebc,tu=Upr,tl=Lwr,tc=Chars,tp=Pers) ,R#=Recsize,h1=char,h2=hex,q=quit,?=help -->

uvhd displays data in 'vertical hexadecimal', 64 byte segments, in 3 line groups (characters, zones,& digits). For example, the 'E' in 'ELF' is x'45' in horizontal hexadecimal. Note that any unprintable bytes are shown as periods on the 'character' line, but you can see the true value on the 'zone' & 'digit' lines. Of course there are some bytes whose zone/digit bits just happen to coincide with an ASCII printable character, such as '@' x'40'.

Also note that the byte offset (zero relative displacement) is shown at the beginning of each 3 line group. For example '128' is the offset of the 1st byte in the 3rd group of 64.

You would also get a warning (only on the 1st record) if the filesize is not evenly divisible by the specified record size. I have not shown it here since it would not be relevant for program executable files, but would be important for fixed length data files (probably migrated from a mainframe to Unix/Linux).


A2. Search command

After the uvhd data display, you are prompted to enter a command. A brief command summary is displayed (null=next,r#=rec,s=search,u=update,...,?=help). You may enter '?' for 18 help screens (options, command formats, etc).

Let's use the 'search' command to search for 'version' (assuming the program contains that word).

 uvhd bin/uvhd r256    <-- execute uvhd with option 'r' recsize=256
 ==================        (r256 is the default if no options specified)

 ---> s 'version'      <-- 's'earch for 'version' anywhere in program
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#      276 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       70400 useful,.but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warra
         128 See the full description of the GNU General Public License at:.h
         192 ttp://www.gnu.org/licenses......uvhd version 20080807 - Copyrigh
 found--> s 'version' <--at byte# 229 of record# 276
 rec#=276 rcount=406 rsize=256 fsize=104126 bin/uvhd
  • 'version' is found at byte# 229 of rec# 276 in file of 406*256=104,126 bytes
  • the found pattern is shown in reverse video (removed for this article)
  • I added the '*******' to compensate for lack of reverse video here

 ---> ss     <-- may enter 'ss' to repeat the last 's' search
      ===      - will find 'version' in 2 other records (not shown here)

 ---> 1      <-- could then reset to record# 1 and repeat 'ss' to find again


B1. Tutorial #2 - /var/log/wtmp search/select

For our 2nd example, let's investigate /var/log/wtmp, a Unix/Linux system file that stores events such as: reboot, shutdown, runlevel changes, LOGINs,& userids logging in. This is a binary file with fixed record size 384 bytes.

 uvhd /var/log/wtmp r384   <-- investigate wtmp (recsize=384)
 uvhd filename=/var/log/wtmp
 options=r384 lastmod=2008081704 today=20080817143240 print=p1
 rec#=1 rcount=1343 filesize=515712 recsize=384 fsize%rsize(remainder)=0
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#        1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
           0 ....05..~...............................~~..runlevel............
          64 ............2.6.18-92.1.6.el5xen................................
         128 ................................................................
         192 ................................................................
         256 ................................................................
         320 .......................H<.......................................
  1. On the 1st record above, the event is a runlevel change (on a reboot). 'runlevel' is at 44(8) (dsplcmnt 44 0 relative, length 8). On other records this field might be: shutdown, LOGIN, userids, etc).
  2. Note that the time is coded in binary in bytes 340(4b), the Unix epoch time, the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970. x'8BA98248' is 2008/07/19_19:57:15. The starting displacement is 320+20=340 since the row starts at 320 and the x'8B' lines up under 20 on the scale.
  3. You can use the 'utmpdump' system command to display the file contents
  4. Unix/Linux systems provide the 'utmpdump' utility to display /var/run/utmp and /var/log/wtmp records in a user friendly readable format. utmpdump will convert the binary Unix-times to a human readable format. Try 'utmpdump /var/log/wtmp | more'.
  5. On the next page, we will use uvhd to select records for a desired userid and then use utmpdump to display the contents.


B2. Search /var/log/wtmp for userid uvadm

 uvhd /var/log/wtmp r384   <-- startup uvhd for /var/log/wtmp (recsize 384)
 =======================     - will display 1st record (same as above)
                             - not shown here to save space
 --> s 44(5),'uvadm'     <-- search for records with userid 'uvadm'
                           - displays 1st record found as follows:
 r#       74 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       28032 ........tty2............................2...uvadm...............
          64 ................................................................
         128 ................................................................
         192 ................................................................
         256 ................................................................
         320 ....................A..H9.......................................

found--> s 44(5),'uvadm' <--at byte# 44 of record# 74

We could use 'ss' to repeat the search for the next matching record (as we did in tutorial #1 for 'version'), but now we will demo the select/write command.


B3. Select all records for userid 'uvadm'

 --> w9999 44(5),'uvadm'    <-- Write all records with 'uvadm' in bytes 44-48
     ===================        to a tmp/file
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#     1340 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
      514176 ........tty2............................2...uvadm...............
                      ----- bytes 64-319 omitted to save space -----
         320 .......................H.8......................................

w9999 44(5),'uvadm' 30 written, tmp/wtmp_080817_151157W

  1. The 'w'rite command writes selected records to the 'tmp/' subdir within your current working directory, with a date/time stamp as shown above, and with 'W' suffix to identify as a Write command output.
  2. Note tmp/... is in your current working directory (NOT /tmp). If ./tmp is not present uvhd will make it.


B4. Examine records selected by Write

We can now examine the selected records as follows:

 uvhd tmp/wtmp_080817_153211W r384  <-- examine selected records (user 'uvadm')
 uvhd filename=/home/uvadm/tmp/wtmp_080817_153211W
 options=r384 lastmod=2008081715 today=20080817153306 print=p1
 rec#=1 rcount=30 filesize=11520 recsize=384 fsize%rsize(remainder)=0
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#        1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
           0 ........tty2............................2...uvadm...............
                      ----- bytes 64-319 omitted to save space -----
         320 ....................A..H9.......................................

We can now use 'utmpdump' to display the selected records in user friendly format with the binary times converted to a readable format.

 utmpdump tmp/wtmp_080817_153211W
 [7] [03974] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Mon Jul 21 10:37:05 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03936] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Tue Jul 22 07:39:50 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03974] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Wed Jul 23 10:07:30 2008 PDT]
         - - - - - 24 records omitted to save space - - - - -
 [7] [03971] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Fri Aug 15 06:32:59 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03973] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Sat Aug 16 08:06:10 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03973] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Sun Aug 17 04:48:37 2008 PDT]


C1. Tutorial #3 - Customer Master with packed decimal fields

For our third example we will use the file 'custmas1', which you can download from http://www.uvsoftware.ca/custmas1. This is a mainframe-style customer Name and Address that has been migrated to Unix/Linux. It has fixed length records of 256 bytes, with 24 * 5 byte packed decimal fields (monthly sales), and without linefeeds (required by the usual Unix/Linux editors). The field layout is as follows:

      000-005 - cust#
      010-034 - customer name
      035-059 - address
      060-075 - address
      077-078 - province
      080-089 - postal code
      090-101 - telephone#
      102-119 - contact name
      120-179 - this year monthly sales 12 * 5 byte packed decimal
      180-239 - last year monthly sales 12 * 5 byte packed decimal
      240-256 - unused

Download the custmas1 demo file from http://www.uvsoftware.ca/custmas1 into the data/ subdir in your homedir.

 uvhd data/custmas1 r256u  <-- execute uvhd on custmas1 with options r256u
 ========================    - option 'u' is required to allow Updates
                             - uvhd displays 1st record and prompts for commands

uvhd filename=/home/uvadm/data/custmas1 rec#=1 rcount=32 filesize=8192 recsize=256 fsize%rsize(remainder)=0

                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#        1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
           0 130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    1815 BOWEN ROAD          NANA
          64 IMO          BC V9S1H1    250-754-5531 LARRY WRENCH     ..4V|...
         128 .........W0....`........)X}..f3.....\.................4V}...f...
         192 .E|...V}.......................f.....<........f.C 19950531

null=next,r#=rec,s=search,u=update,x=rollback,p=print,i=iprint,w=write,e=count ,g=genseq#,c=chkseq#,t=translate(ta=Asc,te=Ebc,tu=Upr,tl=Lwr,tc=Chars,tp=Pers) ,R#=Recsize,h1=char,h2=hex,q=quit,?=help -->

Note the 24 * 5 byte packed decimal fields from 120-239. The 1st field is x'001234567C', which is $12,345.67+ Packed fields can be identified by the sign x'_C'(+) or x'_D'(-) in the right hand nibble of each field.


C2. custmas1 - Search/Update

For this tutorial, we will Search for incorrect province codes and Update them. The province code in the 1st record displayed above is 'BC' which is correct for British Columbia, but there are some records coded as 'AL' (Alabama), which should be corrected to 'AB' (Alberta).

We will specify the search field as '77(2)', offset 77 (0 relative) and length (2). If we did not have the record layout above, we could determine the offset by adding 64+13=77. IE 64 bytes in the 1st segment + 13 bytes into the 2nd segment. The 1st byte of the province code (BC,AL,AB,etc) lines up under 13 on the scale preceding the record.

 --> s 77(2),'AL'     <-- Search for record with 'AL' in bytes 77-78
     ============       - will display found record and prompt for commands
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#       13 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
        3072 201120    ALLTYPE RENTAL LTD.      BOX 1819                 DRAY
 'AL'-->  64 TON VALLEY   AL T0E0M0    403-246-5274LARRY ZOLF        ........
         128 ..........Fl...Il......................................vl..9q...
         192 .4..................%.L.............I...........A 20010731
      found--> s 77(2),'AL' <--at byte# 77 of record# 13
 rec#=13 rcount=32 rsize=256 fsize=8192 dat1/custmas1
 ,R#=Recsize,h1=char,h2=hex,q=quit,?=help -->

 --> u 77(2),'AB'    <-- Update bytes 77-78 with 'AB'
     ============      - re-displays record to confirm Update to 'AB'
                       - Updated record not shown here to save space

 --> ss              <-- repeat previous Search (double letters repeat commands)
     ===               - next AL record not shown here to save space

 --> uu              <-- repeat previous Update
     ===               - Updated AB record not shown here to save space


C3. custmas1 - Multi-Record Search/Update

There could be many records with incorrect province 'AL' to be corrected to 'AB' and yes, there is a faster way to perform multi record Search/Update. We will assume you have restored the original downloaded custmas1 demo file to your $HOME/data/custmas1.

 uvhd data/custmas1 r256u    <-- re-execute uvhd on restored custmas1
 ========================      - displays 1st record and prompts for command
                               - 1st record not shown here to save space

 --> u999 77(2),'AB',,'AL'   <-- Update 77-78 to 'AB', IF existing 'AL'
     =====================     - displays last record updated as follows:
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#       27 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
        6656 318833    TOP NOTCH CONSTRUCTION   BOX 308, STN J           CALG
          64 ARY          AB T2A4X6    403-385-2965HARRY SMIRNOFF    ..85\...
         128 ................................................................
         192 .....................p...............<..%P......C 20021130
         EOF, 32 records read, 11 updated u999 77(2),'AB',,'AL'
 rec#=27 rcount=32 rsize=256 fsize=8192 tmp/custmas1
 ,R#=Recsize,h1=char,h2=hex,q=quit,?=help --> ** quit request - program ended **


Notes about Multi-Record Search/Update

 --> u999 77(2),'AB',,'AL'  <-- Update 77-78 to 'AB', IF existing 'AL'
     =====================    - displays last record updated (as shown above)
  1. u999 <-- means (search)/Update the next 999 records. Just 'u' with no count would update only the currently displayed record.
  2. u999 77(2),'AB' <-- this (1st 2 operands only) would update all records if operands 3,4 were not specified.
  3. ,,'AL' <-- conditions in operands 3&4 for update specified by operands 1&2. Note that operand 3 (,,omitted) defaults to op1, but could specify a different field
  4. All rules are documented in detail at http://www.uvsoftware.ca/uvhd.htm



I hope these examples give you some ideas on how you might use uvhd, and I welcome any feedback on what you use it for.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope you agree with most of my customers who say: "uvhd is our favorite utility".

If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please email me (Owen Townsend, [email protected], www.uvsoftware.ca).

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