Server monitoring with Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 on CentOS 7 - Page 2

5. Install icingaweb2

Before installing icingaweb2 be sure to open port 80 on your firewall.

Install icingaweb2:

yum -y install icingaweb2

Install icingacli. We will need it later to create a setup token for the webbased part of the installation.

yum -y install icingacli

We will now check if the group icingaweb2 exists and if apache is a member of that group:

cat /etc/group | grep icingaweb2


[root@icinga2 tmp]# cat /etc/group | grep icingaweb2

icinga2 will report a warning for the http service because there is no index.hml file at the webroot.
To prevent this we will create an empty one:

touch /var/www/html/index.html
chown apache /var/www/html/index.html

We will now create the setup token for the webbased part of the installation.

icingacli setup config directory --group icingaweb2


[root@icinga2 tmp]# icingacli setup config directory --group icingaweb2
Successfully created configuration directory /etc/icingaweb2
icingacli setup token create


[root@icinga2 tmp]# icingacli setup token create
The newly generated setup token is: 1826XXXXXXXXXXXX

Write down or copy the setup token.

Restart apache.

systemctl restart httpd

Web based part of the installation

Open a browser and go to

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 1

Insert the generated token and press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 2


Weiter (Continue)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 3

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 4

Check that all parts are green and press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 5

Keep the chosen type of authentication (SQL Database) press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 6

Insert the following values:

Resourcename = icingaweb2
Keep Databasetype (Datenbanktyp) to MySQL
Keep Host as localhost
Change Databasename (Datenbanknamen) to icingaweb2
Change Username to icingaweb2
Enter a password


Validate Configuration

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 7

You should see

Configuration sucessfully validated

at the top of the page.


Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 9

To create the database and user specified insert the credentials for root here. Then press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 10

Keep icingaweb2 as BackendName and press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 11

Create the user administrator. Enter username and password (twice). Then press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 12

Leave everything as suggested and press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 13

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 14

This page contains a summary of your inputs.
Check everything then press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 15


Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 16

Leave everything as suggested and press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 17

Leave everything as suggested and press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 18

Insert the following values:

Resourcename = icniga2_ldo
Keep Databasetype (Datenbanktyp) to MySQL
Keep Host as localhost
Change Databasename (Datenbanknamen) to icinga2
Change Username to icnga2
Enter a mysql password for user icinga2 ("icinga2_password")
Hit Validate Configuration

If validation is ok press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 19

Leave everything as suggested and press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 20

Leave everything as suggested and press

Continue (Weiter).

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 21

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 22

This page contains a summary of your inputs.
Check everything then press

Continue (Weiter)

Installing Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 - Step 23


Login to icinga Web 2

Icingaweb 2 Login

Login as administrator with the password defined.

Icinga Web Interface


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