There is a new version of this tutorial available for Linux Mint 17.1 (Rebecca).

The Perfect Desktop - Linux Mint 17 (Qiana) - Page 3

6 Install Additional Software

To install additional applications, open the Synaptic Package Manager (Other > Synaptic Package Manager):

Type in your password:

In the Synaptic Package Manager, we can install additional software. You can use the Quick filter field to find packages:

Select the following packages for installation :

  • filezilla
  • shotwell
  • chromium-browser
  • picasa
  • opera
  • evolution
  • amule
  • vuze
  • skype
  • google-earth-stable
  • acroread
  • gnucash
  • scribus
  • amarok
  • audacity
  • rhythmbox
  • sound-juicer
  • gtkpod
  • xmms2*
  • dvdrip
  • kino
  • vlc*
  • xine-ui
  • xine-plugin
  • k3b
  • normalize-audio
  • sox
  • vcdimager
  • bluefish
  • eclipse
  • ttf-mscorefonts-installer
  • gwibber
  • virtualbox

There are also lots of other applications available that you can install as well if you like.

To select a package for installation, click on the checkbox in front of it and select Mark for Installation from the menu that comes up:

After you've selected the desired packages, click on the Apply button:

The packages are now being downloaded from the repositories and installed. This can take a few minutes, so please be patient:

You might have to accept some licenses. Click on Forward to continue the installation:

After all packages have been installed, click on Close:

You can leave the Synaptic Package Manager afterwards.

7 Acrobat reader

Goto the site


Download the installer & open the terminal.

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i486linux_enu.bin
sudo ./AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i486linux_enu.bin


8 Inventory (II)

Now let's check again what we have so far by browsing the menus again:

We have now all wanted applications installed:

[x] The GIMP
[x] Shotwell Photo Manager
[x] Picasa

[x] Firefox
[x] Opera
[x] Chromium
[x] Flash Player
[x] FileZilla
[x] Thunderbird
[x] Evolution
[x] aMule
[x] Transmission BitTorrent Client
[x] Vuze
[x] Pidgin
[x] Skype
[x] Google Earth
[x] Xchat IRC
[x] Gwibber Social Client

[x] LibreOffice Writer
[x] LibreOffice Calc
[x] Adobe Reader
[x] GnuCash
[x] Scribus

Sound & Video:
[x] Amarok
[x] Audacity
[x] Banshee
[x] MPlayer
[x] Rhythmbox Music Player
[x] gtkPod
[x] XMMS
[x] dvd::rip
[x] Kino
[x] Sound Juicer CD Extractor
[x] VLC Media Player
[x] Totem
[x] Xine
[x] Brasero
[x] K3B
[x] Multimedia-Codecs

[x] Bluefish
[x] Eclipse

[x] VirtualBox
[x] TrueType fonts
[x] Java
[x] Read/Write support for NTFS partitions

Microsoft's TrueType fonts are now installed, you can check that e.g. by opening LibreOffice Writer. Take a look at the available fonts, and you should find fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman,Verdana, etc.:

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