The (Almost) Perfect Setup - Debian Sarge (3.1) On A Strato Dedicated-Server (With ISPConfig)

Based and abuttet to the HowTo - The Perfect Setup Debian Sarge (3.1) - of Falko Timme I wrote this HowTo for STRATO-Server, because Strato has some specifics in it´s Debian Sarge (3.1) - Image.

Let me say first: This is one way of many possible, but I try this more than one time and it works.

Anyway I must say to you, too => If you use this HowTo you do it on your own risk ! You will lose all Files on the Strato-Server, ´cause we start with a brandnew installation of the Debian-Image ! If you have question mail me or send me a PM.

If you want to have it in german language please mail me, too.

Wer diese Anleitung auf deutsch haben möchte, muss mir nur eine eMail oder PN schreiben.

You will need:

  • a Strato - Dedicatet Server
  • WinSCP3 and Putty or similar software on your computer at home

We use (based on the HowTo by Falko Timme) for the Server:

  • Apache 2 as web-server
  • Postfix as mailserver
  • Courier-POP3 and Courier-IMAP for eMail, too
  • BIND as DNS-server
  • proftpd as FTP-server
  • Webalizer for statistics

STEP 1 - Install a new Debian-Image 3.1 with the Strato-Konfigurationsmenü

  • choose Serverkonfiguration
  • choose Neuinstallation
  • mark the Box and choose Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 für Profis
  • click on weiter
  • fill in the code you will see

Don´t forget:

You will lose all Files on the Strato-Server,

´cause we start with a brandnew installation of the Debian-Image !

  • if you´re sure that you want it, click on weiter
  • wait until you get the eMail from Strato that the reinstallation is finished.

STEP 2 - Update the Debian Sarge Image

  • login your server as root by Putty
  • copy here the code and paste it in Putty
  • follow the instructions

apt-get update

If you´re asked that you want to stop now, ´cause a new kernel will be installed answer with no.

But don´t forget to reboot your server after this upgrade.

apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get upgrade

(If someone said, that this is to much update and -grade, let me first answer:

I try it many times and it works everytime a little bit other - and rather one time often than one time too little.)

STEP 3 - Add some more nameservers

  • open and edit the file /etc/resolv.conf
  • add some more nameservers (only if you want)
nameserver ip.number.from.another

STEP 4 - Setting the hostname

Instead of put in your real serverdomain (

echo > /etc/hostname
/bin/hostname -F /etc/hostname

STEP 5 - Install needed and missing software and remove unneeded software

apt-get install make gcc g++ cpp wget flex bzip2 rdate fetchmail libdb3++-dev unzip zip ncftp xlispstat libarchive-zip-perl zlib1g-dev libpopt-dev nmap openssl lynx fileutils (all in one line!)

Answer the questions with the default answers.

update-rc.d -f exim remove

update-inetd --remove daytime

update-inetd --remove telnet

update-inetd --remove time

update-inetd --remove finger

update-inetd --remove talk

update-inetd --remove ntalk

update-inetd --remove ftp

update-inetd --remove discard

/etc/init.d/inetd reload

STEP 6 - Install and configure quota

apt-get install quota quotatool

Answer the question with no.

  • open and edit the file /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system     mount point    type     options                  dump pass
/dev/sda1         /boot          ext2     nosuid,nodev             0    2
/dev/sda2         none           swap     sw                       0    0
/dev/sda3         /              ext3     defaults,errors=remount-ro,usrquota,grpquota 0       1
proc              /proc          proc     defaults                 0    0
  • run the following steps:
touch /quota.user /

chmod 600 /quota.*

mount -o remount /

quotacheck -avugm

quotaon -avug
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