iRedMail: Mail Server With LDAP, Postfix, RoundCube, Dovecot, ClamAV, SpamAssassin, Amavisd (Debian 5.0.1) - Page 2

Set a password for the LDAP virtual domain admin's password.
Note: cn=vmailadmin,dc=example,dc=com is used to manage all virtual domains/users.

Set a password for the MySQL root user:

Add your first virtual domain, e.g.:

Virtual domain administrator account for the first virtual domain. Default is 'postmaster':

Set a password for the virtual domain administrator:

Add the first normal user for our virtual domain. e.g.: www. The full email address will be [email protected].

Set a password for above normal user:

Enable the SPF verify and DKIM verify/sign feature:

Select optional components, you can choose RoundCube or SquirrelMail as webmail programs.
An Awstat user account has been integrated in LDAP, so you need to use the username: [email protected]. For details, read the file iRedMail-x.y.z/

Select webmail's default language:

Set an alias mail address for the root user:

Finish the configuration and start to install the software:

After the installation has finished, reboot the machine:


7 Important Things You Should Know After Installation


8 Access webmail and other web-based programs

After installation is complete, you can access web-based programs if you've chosen to install them:

Component URL Access via HTTP Access via HTTPS Comment
RoundCubeMail-0.2.1 http://your_server/mail/ (or /webmail, /roundcube) YES YES Recommand webmail
SquirrelMail-1.4.19 http://your_server/squirrelmail/ (or /squirrel) YES YES webmail
PostfixAdmin- https://your_server/postfixadmin/ No YES Only Mysql Backend
phpMyAdmin- https://your_server/phpmyadmin/ (or /mysql) NO YES
phpLDAPadmin- https://your_server/ldap/ (or /phpldapadmin) NO YES Only LDAP Backend
Awstats-6.9 https://your_server/awstats/ (or / NO YES

Note: Replace your_server with your server hostname or IP address.

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