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Install Camfrogserver Advanced 6.0 On Ubuntu Linux
This is an updated tutorial on how to install Camfrog Server on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat). When I first saw that Camfrog Server was released I was excited until I realized it was only for RedHat AS/ES 4.x 5.x, CentOS 4.x 5.x, Fedora 6.x 7.x 8.x operating systems. Then I realized you can convert rpm packages to deb packages using alien; you can even have alien install the rpm automatically after converting it. You also need the 32bit library files:
sudo apt-get -f install ia32-libs
I have already converted the RPM Package for you so you don't have to use alien.
You may download it from my server: http://www.omrhosting.com/downloads/camfrogserver_6.2-41_all.deb
cd /tmp
wget http://www.omrhosting.com/downloads/camfrogserver_6.2-41_all.deb
Install it:
sudo dpkg -i camfrogserver_6.2-41_all.deb
Create a "new" script in your /etc/init.d/ directory called camfrogserver and put this in the file:
nano -x /etc/init.d/camfrogserver
#!/bin/bash # ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: camfrogserver # Required-Start: $network $remote_fs $syslog # Required-Stop: $network $remote_fs $syslog # Should-Start: $named # Should-Stop: $named # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: Camfrog Server Linux Debian init.d script by James Youngstrom. ### END INIT INFO
NAME=camfrogserver DESC="Camfrog Server" DAEMON=/usr/bin/camfrogserver PIDFILE=/var/run/camfrogserver/$NAME.pid CONFDIR=/etc/camfrogserver.d CMDFILE=/var/run/camfrogserver/commands.ctl DAEMON_ARGS="-f -p${PIDFILE} -c${CMDFILE} ${CONFDIR}/cf_server.conf -d" CF_USER=camfrogserver
do_start() {
start-stop-daemon --start \ --user $CF_USER \ --chuid $CF_USER \ --pidfile $PIDFILE \ --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_ARGS < /dev/null return $?
do_stop() { start-stop-daemon --stop \ --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 \ --pidfile $PIDFILE \ --name $NAME pkill $NAME rm -f $PIDFILE return "$?" }
case "$1" in start) echo "Starting Camfrog Server" do_start echo "Camfrog Server Started Successfully" ;;
stop) echo "Shutting Down Camfrog Server." do_stop echo "Camfrog Server Is Now Down" ;;
restart) echo "Restarting Camfrog Server..." do_stop sleep 10 do_start echo "Camfrog Server Restarted" ;;
*) echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart" exit 1 esac exit 0
Next you want to make it executable:
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/camfrogserver
Then make sure it boots on system startup:
sudo update-rc.d camfrogserver defaults
Ports to forward:
6000:6010 tcp
5000:15000 udp
6005 udp
5999 tcp (for web panel access pro feature)
UFW commands to open ports for camfrogserver:
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 6000:6010
sudo ufw allow proto udp from any to any port 5000:15000
sudo ufw allow 6005/udp
sudo ufw allow 5999/tcp
Next you will want to edit the cf_server.conf. I will show you how to create one based off the sample.
First: Edit the configuration file to fit your needs:
sudo nano -x /etc/camfrogserver.d/cf_server.conf.sample
Edit the following parameters in cf_server.conf.sample and save it as cf_server.conf:
Ctrl+X saves the file. Make sure to rename it to cf_server.conf.
sudo mkdir /etc/camfrogserver.d/room_name
I am making for my room:
sudo mkdir /etc/camfrogserver.d/Ubuntu_Linux
sudo nano -x /etc/camfrogserver.d/cf_room.conf.sample
Editing the following parameters to suit your needs:
Ctrl + X to save the file. Save as:
In my case I'm saving it to:
Next, start up the camfrogserver by typing:
service camfrogserver start
Now type
/usr/bin/camfrogserver -g
This will update the SSL_certificate_param in your cf_server.confautomatically.
You will see the following:
Certificate generated successfully, cert file name: /etc/camfrogserver.d/cert.pem, configuration file /etc/camfrogserver.d/cf_server.conf updated
You should now be able to login to your web interface using your Remote Access Login and Password as long as your room is a PRO room. Note: you may have to restart the server first:
service camfrogserver restart
Remember: Non-Pro rooms are extremely limited. The web interface will not be available for Free rooms.
For those of you with the Camfrog Client installed my room is called Ubuntu_Linux