
How To Use Nagios Plugins In Verax NMS

How To Use Nagios Plugins In Verax NMS

This guide shows how to use Nagios plugins to monitor devices in Verax NMS Express. Verax NMS is a cross-platform network and application monitoring software.


Tools used:


Adding Nagios Plugin To The Device

First, download a plugin. In this example I will use plugin for checking CPU usage over the SNMP (

Put plugin in a folder on the same server where Verax NMS Express is installed. In my case it will be:


Note: Make sure that folder containg the plugin has the right file permissions (CHMOD: 777).

Now, let's add shell script sensor to the device:

  1. Log into the Verax NMS, select Home from the main menu and select the right device from the aspects tree.
  2. In Monitors tab select Add option and click Go. The system will display a pop-up dialog with sensors available for your device.
  3. Select Shell Script Sensor from the sensors tree and click Next.
  4. Now you have to specify your sensor parameters.

System will ask you to enter the following sensor-specific parameters:

How To Use Nagios Plugins In Verax NMS