How To Install Openbravo ERP On CentOS 5.2 - Page 2

3.3 Apache Tomcat 5.5

I have not tried the bundled Apache Tomcat in the CentOS 5 Repository, I went ahead and downloaded it anyway from the site:

cd /opt
tar xzf apache-tomcat-5.5.27.tar.gz
mv apache-tomcat-5.5.27 tomcat

Start the Tomcat Daemon and send it to the background:

/opt/tomcat/bin/ &

Append it to the rc.local file to start at boot time:

echo "/opt/tomcat/bin/ &" >> /etc/rc.local


3.4 Apache Ant 1.7

I have gone ahead and downloaded the source for apache ant too as I want to keep everything consistent and so it doesn`t break the CentOS installation. With this technique however, you can easily remove all the exported directories and delete the applications directory and install the stock rpm supplied with CentOS later if you like.

cd /opt
tar xzf apache-ant-1.7.1-bin.tar.gz
mv apache-ant-1.7.1 ant
echo "export ANT_HOME=/opt/ant" >> /etc/rc.local
export ANT_HOME=/opt/ant


4. Downloading and Installing OpenBravo 2.4

I am using OpenBravo 2.4 because this Howto was tested and declared working. However, there is a new release 2.5 which I have not tested and so you can try at your won RISK.

cd /tmp

Download the installation binary from SourceForge:


Make it executable:

chmod +x OpenbravoERP_2.40-linux-installer.bin

Run the installer:


A text based installer will guide you through the installation. First press a few times ENTER to read the single parts of the license agreement. Type in yes at the end if you agree with it:

Do you accept this license? [y/n]: <-- y

Before the installation begins you'll be asked a few questions - answer them as follows:

Please specify the directory where Openbravo ERP will be installed

[/opt/OpenbravoERP]: <-- ENTER

Please specify a directory for the Openbravo ERP attachments

[/opt/OpenbravoERP/AppsOpenbravo/attachments]: <-- ENTER

Installation mode
Please select the installation mode you wish to perform
[1] Complete
The database and the application server in the same computer
[2] Distributed
The database and the application server in different computers

Please choose an option [1] : <-- ENTER

Please select the installation type you wish to perform
[1] Standard
Installs the database and sets up the application server.
[2] Development
Installs the database and and sets up the application server
through a compilation process.
Recommended for developers.

Please choose an option [1] : <-- ENTER

Please specify the directory where the JDK is located

[/opt/java]: <-- ENTER

Please specify the location where the Ant executable is located

[/opt/ant/bin/ant]: <-- ENTER

Please specify the directory where Tomcat is located.
In case of having Tomcat split into 2 directories, select the one containing the webapps directory

[/opt/tomcat]: <-- ENTER

Please select a database
[1] PostgreSQL
[2] Oracle

Please choose an option [1] : <-- ENTER

Please specify the directory where the binaries of the PostgreSQL installation are located (psql, pg_restore, vacuumdb)

[/usr/bin]: <-- ENTER

Please enter the IP address of the PostgreSQL database

Database host [localhost]: <-- ENTER

Please enter the port of the PostgreSQL database

Database port [5432]: <-- ENTER

Enter the password for your "postgres" administrator user

Password : <-- testpassword

Retype password : <-- testpassword

Please enter the name of the PostgreSQL database

Database name [openbravo]: <-- ENTER

Please enter a username for the Openbravo ERP PostgreSQL database

Username [tad]: <-- admin

Please enter a password for the new database user

Password : <-- adminpassword (a password of your choice)

Retype password : <-- adminpassword

Enter a context name.
This is used in the URL to access Openbravo ERP:

Context name [openbravo]: <-- openbravoerp

Please select the preferred date and time formats
Date format
Date format

Please choose an option [1] : <-- ENTER

Date separator
[1] -
[2] /
[3] .
[4] :

Please choose an option [2] : <-- ENTER

Time format
[1] 12h
[2] 24h

Please choose an option [2] : <-- ENTER

Time separator
[1] :
[2] .

Please choose an option [1] : <-- ENTER

Should the installer populate the database with demo data?

[Y/n]: Y <-- ENTER

Setup is now ready to begin installing Openbravo ERP on your computer.

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: Y <-- ENTER

The installation will take a few minutes, so please be patient:
Please wait while Setup installs Openbravo ERP on your computer.
0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
Setup has finished installing Openbravo ERP on your computer.


5. Testing the Waters

If everything up to this point is successful, then you have won!  You can access Openbravo at or

Log in with the username Openbravo and the password openbravo.

Note: I have decided not to post any screen shot of this as this has been tested and declared working. If you need more information, you can use the links provided below as reference.




 PostgreSQL 8.3:

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