How To Build xfstools, xfsprogs And xfsdump From Source On Ubuntu

This short guide explains how you can build xfstools, xfsprogs, and xfsdump from the sources on an Ubuntu system.

In certain instances, running the xfs_fsr utility from the packaged version of xfstools can cause corruption on an XFS filesystem.

This is by no means a catch-all solution, only a guide to help those who are having trouble installing the updated tools.

Install the prerequisites:

The install guide says to run make install-dev and make install-qa, but this did not add the needed libraries, libattr1-dev and libacl1-dev allow the build to complete.

# sudo apt-get install git-core libtool libattr1-dev libacl1-dev build-essential automake autoconf uuid-dev

Download the Git source trees:

# cd ~
# git clone git://
# git clone git://
# git clone git://

Compile source and install:

Install xfsprogs:

# cd ~/xfsprogs
# make
# make install

Install xfsdump:

# cd ~/xfsdump
# make
# make install

Install xfstests:

# cd ~/xfstests
# make
# make install

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