Comments on How To Set Up suPHP On A Debian Sarge Based ISPConfig Server

How To Set Up suPHP On A Debian Sarge Based ISPConfig ServerWith this howto I explain how to set up suPHP on a Debian based ISPConfig server with php4. Mainly, it is based on Falko's howto Within the forums on Howtoforge, lots of information about "setting up suphp" can be found. However, this information is spread all over the forums, so it is not very clear how to set up suphp on an ISPConfig server. It was the reason for me to write this howto. When you've setup suPHP on your ISPConfig server, you are able to run the PHP scripts under the admin user of the website instead of www-data.

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Thanks for this wonderfully easy and useful howto. I am using Debian Etch and this went off with only one hitch. It seemed that in order for my ISPConfig to put those suPHP values into the config file, I had to use the line:

$go_info["server"]["apache2_php"] = 'suphp';

Other then that, everything was perfect.

It looks like the changes made to /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/ are consistent across updates to ISPConfig as well. :D