Comments on How to make a small change to a Debian tool and repackage it?
How to make a small change to a Debian tool and repackage it? This mini-tutorial shows how to modify a small option of a standard Debian/Ubuntu package to accomodate your personal preferences and rebuild and install this package on your system.
1 Comment(s)
this howto worked perfectly for me.
i had the same ssl/debian-policy issue with gftp, a graphical ftp client that normally supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS (ftp with tls/ssl authentication/encryption). under debian, the FTPS option appeared missing to me.
after sniffing around the internets, i was able to figure out that debian has issues with ssl. so the package is installed with the --disable-ssl config option.
this tut was a huge help, as installing from a tweaked out deb was way easier than installing from source.
thanks a ton sir!