Comments on Installing Online Editors on Debian and Ubuntu with ONLYOFFICE Document Server

ONLYOFFICE is a free, open source software that enables teams to manage projects, customer relations and documents in one place. This tutorial explains the installation of ONLYOFFICE and the ONLYOFFICE Document Server on Debian and Ubuntu.

6 Comment(s)

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By: Lankmiller

Gradually growing quality makes it possible to compare product to MS 365 and Gogol Doc. Nice job!

By: Al

That's don't work on ubuntu 14.04

dependencies problems :

 onlyoffice-documentserver : Dépend: libstdc++6 (>= 4.9.0) mais 4.8.2-19ubuntu1 devra être installé                             Dépend: mysql-server-5.6 (>= 5.6.4) mais ne sera pas installé                             Dépend: mono-complete (>= 4.0.0) mais 3.2.8+dfsg-4ubuntu1.1 devra être installé


By: Tati

For any support questions, please visit the forum.

By: Gboule

HI, i success to install onlyoffice documents editor only, but i want to make it in french and i don't solved this. can you help me?

By: falcon7700

Excellent!  Finally some sw distritbuted as a DEB.  Much easier...

By: hourani

hi after installing the online office on my owncloud server,   

it gives me this

Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

and the owncloud stop working 

what shall I do?
