Comments on Joomla CMS On An ISPConfig Server Within 10 Easy Steps

Joomla CMS On An ISPConfig Server Within 10 Easy StepsWith this “how to”, I guide you to setup Joomla CMS on your ISPConfig server. Probably you can setup Joomla in different ways but I prefer the way descibed here.

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By: Anonymous

This howto is written for the old Joomla.

I was able to get the new Joomla 1.5 working, using the howtoforge howto with ISPConfig3 on CentOS 5.2:

After you build the CentOS/ISPConfig box, and make sure everything is working (yes, that howto works), you can install Joomla 1.5 on it.

 Download the new Joomla archive file, put it on your website.  I created a directory called 'installation', and unpacked the Joomla archive file in there.

Before you run the installation routine, you have to edit your /etc/php.ini file, and make some changes.

vi /etc/php.ini

register_globals = Off

memory_limit = 128M

session.save_path = "/tmp/"

That's it.  Find the above lines, and change to look like what I listed here.  Reboot the server (probably not necessary, but what the heck), connect your browser to your web site's installation directory, and follow the prompts!  You should be good from there.


By: Kayla P.

Thanks a lot for updating it, that worked perfectly. It's great food for though to see how much with a few changes i can end up totally lost haha. Good thing i found your comment, saved me lots of trouble!


If you want to use SEF links, you need to comment out the following line in the htaccess.txt

Options FollowSymLinks

Before you rename it to .htaccess!

 (it is noted that on some installation this line can cause problems, apparently my ubuntu Edgy Edge & ISPConfig is such an installation)

By: Desdemonias

If you use php5-cgi with suPHP enabled on your ISPConfig server execute the following commands:

cd /var/www/web1/

chown -R -v -f web1:webadmin web/*

By: Dugommier

This howto is totally outdated (it refers to Joomla 1 created around 2006).

It should be deleted.

By: hjrr

Is there an updated version for installing JOOMLA 2.7 or 3.x??? A lot has changed with JOOMLA, but has the installation process also changed?