Comments on How to Mount CephFS on CentOS 7

I will show you how to mount Ceph as a File System on CentOS 7 in this third part of the Ceph tutorial series. Ceph is an open source storage platform, it offers high performance, reliability, and scalability. It's a free distributed storage system that provides an interface to object, block, and file-level storage without a single point of failure.

1 Comment(s)

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By: Alexandre-Jacques St-Jacques

Thank you for the great guide ! I wanted to report an error in the step 7:

mon1:6789:/     /mnt/cephfs     ceph        name=admin,secretkey=/home/cephuser/ceph.key,_netdev,noatime    0   0

should be

mon1:6789:/     /mnt/cephfs     ceph        name=admin,secretfile=/home/cephuser/ceph.key,_netdev,noatime    0   0

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