Comments on How to Install SuiteCRM with Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04

SuiteCRM is an open source CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software based on PHP. It is a fork of the popular CRM software 'SugarCRM', and has become more popular after 'SugarCRM' decided to stop the development of the free version. In this tutorial, I will show you step-by-step how to install the open source CRM 'SuiteCRM'.

4 Comment(s)

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By: JAssist

Thank you for the easy to use tutorial.

However, before step 5, installation of "composer" is needed. Belo code can complete the tutorial:

cd /opt/suitecrm

composer install

By: Daniel Orkan

Thanks for the guide !

Works for me.

By: Chris

sadly you do not refer on full needs for api redirection and so on.

By: Rick


the do

cd /opt/suitecrm

composer install