Comments on How to Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. We will show you how to install and configure Rails with a PostgreSQL database, and how to create a new first project with Rails.
14 Comment(s)
Now why the heck would we use vim to edit the database.yml file. Thats so wierd
The development database config has port 5423 which should be port 5432
Should have read this comment before, you mentioned the correct port number.....
This is very useful article.
Thank u very much :)
I don't think this command is working because I get this usage message
Usage rvm-installer [options] [action]Options [[--]version] <version> The version or tag to install. Valid values are: latest - The latest tagged version. latest-minor - The latest minor version of the current major version. latest-<x> - The latest minor version of version x. latest-<x>.<y> - The latest patch version of version x.y. <x>.<y>.<z> - Major version x, minor version y and patch z. [--]branch <branch> The name of the branch from which RVM is installed. This option can be used with the following formats for <branch>: <account>/ If account is rvm or mpapis, installs from one of the following: Otherwise, installs from:<account>/rvm/archive/master.tar.gz <account>/<branch> If account is rvm or mpapis, installs from one of the following:<branch>.tar.gz<branch>.tar.gz Otherwise, installs from:<account>/rvm/archive/<branch>.tar.gz [/]<branch> Installs the branch from one of the following:<branch>.tar.gz<branch>.tar.gz [--]source <source> Defines the repository from which RVM is retrieved and installed in the format: <domain>/<account>/<repo> Where: <domain> - Is, or a github enterprise site serving an RVM repository. <account> - Is the user account in which the RVM repository resides. <repo> - Is the name of the RVM repository. Note that when using the [--]source option, one should only use the [/]branch format with the [--]branch option. Failure to do so will result in undefined behavior. --trace Provides debug logging for the installation script.Actions master - Installs RVM from the master branch at rvm/rvm on github or mpapis/rvm on stable - Installs RVM from the stable branch a rvm/rvm on github or mpapis/rvm on help - Displays this output.
curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby curl -sSL | bash -s stable --rubyrails db:setuprails db:migrateshould be...rake db:setuprake db:migrateOn top of that it fails when it runs. it fails with "ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified: 'rails_dev' database is not configured."
This doesn't work on WSL
Thank you very much for the article, I could install in ubuntu 18.04 virtualbox on windows 10 and it worked
Instead of chanhging linix user using $su - postgres, I had to type: $sudo -u postgres psql postgres
Thanks dude!
Thanks for the tutorial, awesome stuff...
getting the error.
Cannot assign requested address - bind(2) for "" port 8080 (Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL)
nothing is running on that port. rails s -p 8080 works. just curious, do you have "" defined in host somewhere?
When I run the commandrails g scaffold Post title:string body:text
I get a usage error message complaining about the syntax for the rails command
Every time use this "source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" when change folder or connect server (SSH).
How to set a path for this issue.