Comments on How To Create A RAID1 Setup On An Existing CentOS/RedHat 6.0 System
How To Create A RAID1 Setup On An Existing CentOS/RedHat 6.0 System This tutorial is for turning a single disk CentOS 6 system into a two disk RAID1 system. The GRUB bootloader will be configured in such a way that the system will still be able to boot if one of the hard drives fails (no matter which one).
2 Comment(s)
Congratulations for your work and thanks for sharing.
In point 6 you create raid disk with /dev/sda disk (original), but in point 8 mdadm shows /dev/sdb as devices used for raid disk.
Is there anything wrong or am I missing anything?
Thanks again.
Thanks for this HOWTO! I've used it on two centos 6.3 systems. I had trouble until I worked out that the command in step 9,
# mdadm --detail --scan > /etc/mdadm.conf
put wrong UUIDs into mdadm.conf, and those went into the initramfs: so the initramfs wouldn't find its root volume, and couldn't boot. The actual UUIDs come from # blkid | grep md
I edited in the UUIDs I got from running blkid, repeated things after step 9 and it worked. I found it's best to always use the UUID in grub.conf, fstab, etc.
Another topic: step 17 talks about setting the partition type to 0xfd for the second drive. That also needs to be done for the first drive (/dev/sda in these instructions) sometime before the reboot in step 16.