Comments on DSPAM WebUI with Virtual Users on Debian Sid

DSPAM WebUI with Virtual Users on Debian Sid This howto is based on DSPAM With Embedded ClamAV Integrated Into Postfix With Virtual Users And Domains. To be able to use the DSPAM WebUI, and to let users take care of their own spam and train DSPAM themselves, you will have to install dspam-webfrontend.

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Where are you getting your mysql auth package? Since mod_auth_mysql doesn't exist and the only other package is libapache2-mod-auth-mysql which is only availible for Sarge and Sid...

there's also an easier way to enable suexec. a2enmod suexec will enable it (a2dismod suexec will disable it again) Same goes for sites in sites-enabled and sites-available with a2ensite and a2dissite