Comments on Changing From SquirrelMail To RoundCube On Your ISPConfig3 Server
Changing From SquirrelMail To RoundCube On Your ISPConfig3 Server This tutorial has been created for those who have installed The Perfect Server - CentOS 5.4 x86_64 [ISPConfig 3] and do not like SquirrelMail as webmail client. Here’s a guide to replace SquirrelMail with RoundCube, which is more visually attractive and easier to manage for our clients.
12 Comment(s)
I did a similar set up in Debian. But I kept SquirrelMail and also added Horde. Then put a menu page at /var/www/webmail so the user can pick which of the 3 clients they'd like to use.
Can you share the coding of your homepage? I would like to implement something similar on my servers. Since you have already done it, it would make it much easier on my end.
Please give me the steps to keep all squirrelmail,horde and roundcube
I just want to add, that there is a migration plugin from Squirrelmail to Roundcube.
It copys the user settings.
it was like a walk in a park to follow this great tutorial, thank you very much
I installed roudcube as you instructed on my CentOS 5.5 x64 OS with ISPConfig 3.0.3.
Everything is fine (MySQL, Apache etc) but when I access RoudCube index.php http://[server_ip_address]/webmail I receive a blank page instead the login page.
Can you help me?
Damn blank page after install, NO error nothing.
Cannot use it. Strange no one find out solution yet?
very good post thanks, gretings from Paraguay
Thanks man! Thanks to you I have a nice webmail running in my server!
man,how can you add new users though if you run it locally?i can log in only with system users..
hello , it worked new version of roundcube 0.9.0 on centos6.3 x86_64 thanks a lot,
greeting from turkey...
I found a solution to the blank page error :).
Its about DB corrupted. I updated the DB with the example into Roundcube/SQL/mysql.initial.sql.
Then I had another one, was a php class not found, then i replaced the roundcube installation with this package of roundcube that include the framework
and follow the instructions to replace the content like this
cd /usr/share wget tar -vxf roundcubemail-1.1.2-complete.tar.gz rm -fr roundcubemail-1.1.2-complete.tar.gz cd roundcubemail-1.1.2 rm -fr installer
cd /usr/share mv squirrelmail squirrelmail.bak mv roundcubemail-0.3.1 squirrelmail
Finally go to http://www.yourdomain.tld:8080/webmail and sign in to enjoy this cute Webmail.