Comments on Installing The Asterisk PBX And The Asterisk Web-Based Provisioning GUI On Linux

Installing The Asterisk PBX And The Asterisk Web-Based Provisioning GUI On Linux I have read about Asterisk and wanted to test it out as I will be managing/troubleshooting it at work anytime soon, so I thought of getting my hands dirty and getting some basic experience on it. First, I set up a box with Linux RedHat ES4 but I think any Linux distro would do. Kubuntu/Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva would work fine.

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" 4) Start installing the different packages by following theses commands, again, as root:

Should be run before building Asterisk (NOTE: You may need to reboot if you see errors about missing kernel sources. "

 Maybe this can help someone:

yum install kernel-devel

will do the dirty job of installing kernel sources on red-hat-like systems (CentOS,Fedora..)


By: Anonymous

hi all

i am new to  Asterisk  can anyone help to find good and compatable anolog phone cards for  Asterisk




 When I run the ./configure on /usr/src/asterisk it finishes with "configure: error: *** termcap support not found" and then I get stuck.... meaning when I try to run "make menuselect" says to run ./configure before running make. I get that but I don't get how to overpass the ./confgure error.

Any help welcome.


By: x81kilo

n00b here:

 what other hardware is needed? can you recommend some place on the net to get it cheap?

 how to dial out to talk to my mom in florida from california? i have old sip equipment when i had vonage, and other voip providers, can i use that hardware?


many thanks!



Let me suggest for Asterisk users a new software invention which maches perfectly to Asterisk.
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Share your opinion!

By: Arul kumar

I am new in asterisk can you tell me how to install browser in trixbox ...

By: Dimitris

Hi and thanks for your guide and time spent for it.

I have a problem. i followed this with copy/paste but i stop at make samples.

I get make: *** No rule to make target `samples'. Stop.

Can anyone help on this please?

Thank You!

By: Alok


I have installed Asterisk and the SVN asterisk trunk on my CentOS 7.0. Every test is going fine. Checked 'manager show settings' and check 'check http status' . every thing same as asterisk Tutorial. telnet is also working on myip:8088. But I am getting error- The URL not found on asterisk Server. I am using this URL- http://IP:8088/asterisk/static/config/cfgbasic.html . Please help to resolve this.

By: Kedves Elemer

There are 3 ways to connect with Web SIP clients to Asterisk:

-Native SIP/JAX clients (using Java or NPAPI)

-Flash (via a Flash media server)

-WebRTC (supported by modern browsers and preferred nowadays)

By: Jacob

New to Asterisk. If you already have an asterisk server running (which i inherited from previous IT) would you be able to install the asterisk gui on a centos system with out disrupting the current configuration. I am in desperate need of the GUI as I am very new to asterisk but the client is requesting changes. As they are running 1.8 and is it going to create issues to install the 2.0 GUI on 1.8 version of Asterisk? Any help would be appreciated.

By: Peter Folk

To get this to work on Asterisk 1.13 I had to manually add "config_upgraded = no" to the [general] section of guipreferences.conf.  The gui asks asterisk manager to update that config parameter to = yes, but the "update" action fails because it doesn't exist yet.