Articles by Webmaestro

  • Never Forget To Turn Dansguardian Back On After A Cyberspacejaywalk

    Author: WebmaestroTags: , , , , , Comments: 1

    Never Forget To Turn Dansguardian Back On After A Cyberspacejaywalk Dansguardian is the leading free keyword blocker on Linux systems and it uses this method known as a weighed keyword score. Now, people who use or administer a web content filter know very well that there are situations when a filter accidentally blocks an acceptable site or even an unreviewed site. The simple solution is often to turn off filtering completely.  Then it is of paramount importance that when this unrestricted cyberspacewalk ends, the administrator must turn Dansguardian back on!! But what if they forget?

  • How To Test Your Dansguardian, Safesquid, POESIA, Parental Internet Filter Or We-Blocker Keyword Filter Anytime Anywhere

    Author: WebmaestroTags: , Comments: 4

    How To Test Your Dansguardian, Safesquid, POESIA, Parental Internet Filter Or We-Blocker Keyword Filter Anytime Anywhere Keyword filters block unwanted web pages on the basis of potentially fallen words found in them. However, to be sure that a page is indeed offensive, keyword filters nowadays are not designed to block sites on the basis of just about any potentially offensive word. Instead they measure the number of potentially offensive phrases and often the number of times they occur so as to allow a limited number of occurrences in pages such as those on anatomy, forms requiring gender information, crime reports, statistical reports, administrative information, art etc. The leading keyword blockers like Dansguardian which is extremely popular on Linux or SafeSquid which is popular on Linux and Windows use this method known as a weighed keyword score.