Articles by tpop2005
How To Install Sun Java SE 6 JDK and NetBeans 5.5.1 on Fedora 7
Author: tpop2005 • Tags: fedora • Comments: 5How To Install Sun Java SE 6 JDK and NetBeans 5.5.1 - Fedora 7 This tutorial shows how to install Sun Java JDK and NetBeans IDE on the fresh Fedora 7 installation. The readers I had in mind when assembling this are the people who are anxious to start using NetBEans and Sun's Java SE on their newly installed Fedora systems. Some of the bits and pieces on the topics I found on the Internet are assembled into this tutorial in order to make it as comprehensive as possible. I tried to follow the HowToForge document format. I have not tried this on the x64 architecture, but it should be very similar. I would welcome any feedback on that.
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