Articles by nagyorgy
Increase your IPv4 security with Fail2Ban and Tinyhoneypot on Debian Jessie
Author: nagyorgy • Tags: debian, linux, security • Comments: 9It is a five minutes' exercise to increase security on an IPv4 addressed machine. The purpose of the setup described in this tutorial is to lock out port scanners and malicious port openers for a period of time.
Install And Use SALTStack In A Mixed Environment
Author: nagyorgy • Tags: centos, debian, linux • Comments: 1Install And Use SALTStack In A Mixed Environment Salt is a new approach to infrastructure management. Easy enough to get running in minutes, scalable enough to manage tens of thousands of servers, and fast enough to communicate with them in seconds. Salt delivers a dynamic communication bus for infrastructures that can be used for orchestration, remote execution, configuration management and much more... The main porpuse of this document is not just install SaltStack, because it is well documented elsewhere, but rather give you a slight insight of its usability.