Articles by gintonbo

  • Hybrid RAID 1 (Mirror) of RAM drive & SATA HDD Using LVM with LUKS [and systemd unit file] on Fedora Linux

    fedora Author: gintonboTags: , , , Comments: 1

    Hybrid RAID 1 (Mirror) of RAM drive & SATA HDD Using LVM with LUKS [and systemd unit file] on Fedora Linux The IT industry has a continual balance between security and usability. Within this balance, performance usually affects usability. In the realm of protecting "Data at Rest" (i.e. encryption) one may find three factors affecting performance, and therefore usabilty: The harddrive, CPU and RAM. Of these, the harddrive will always prove to be a bottleneck (yes, even with an SDD). Free Software has a rather elegant solution for protecting Data at Rest, called Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS). In the spirit of "Freedom 0: The freedom to run the program for any purpose." please enjoy my contribution to our collective knowledgebase of a solution to the fascinating problem of "how can we speed up encyption"?