Articles by Cargoship
Installing LAMP On Ubuntu For Newbies
Author: Cargoship • Tags: ubuntu • Comments: 496
Installing LAMP On Ubuntu For Newbies In this guide I will show you how to install a LAMP system. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. The guide is intended to help those who have very little knowlegde of using Linux.
Working With The GRUB Menu
Author: Cargoship • Tags: linux, ubuntu • Comments: 10Working With The GRUB Menu This tutorial describes how to edit the GRUB menu. It will also show how to add operating systems and how to add splash screens.
Dual-Booting Windows XP/Vista And Ubuntu 7.04
Author: Cargoship • Tags: desktop, ubuntu • Comments: 16Dual-Booting Windows XP/Vista And Ubuntu 7.04 In this tutorial I will teach you how to dual-boot between Windows XP/Vista and Ubuntu. This tutorial will be split up into two parts: Part one for people who have no operating system installed. Part two for people who have Windows XP/Vista installed and do not want to re-install Windows.