ASSP With Embedded ClamAV Integrated Into Postfix With Virtual Users And Domains - Page 3

8 Install ClamAV Perl Module

The installation of the ClamAV perl module is a bit tricky because the old version of this module. The following perl-test will fail with many errors but is necessary to download the module.

Note: When you are asked if you want to configure perl manually, choose no ? the configuration will be done automatically.

perl -MCPAN -e shell
test File::Scan::ClamAV
look File::Scan::ClamAV
vi clamav.conf


LocalSocket /root/.cpan/build/File-Scan-ClamAV-1.8/clamsock
MaxThreads 1
ArchiveMaxFileSize 1M
ArchiveMaxRecursion 1
ArchiveMaxFiles 2


LocalSocket /root/.cpan/build/File-Scan-ClamAV-1.8/clamsock
Foreground true
MaxThreads 1
ScanArchive true
ArchiveMaxFileSize 1M
ArchiveMaxRecursion 1
ArchiveMaxFiles 2

Afterwards install the module:

make install


9 Integrate ClamAV Into ASSP

After the installation of ClamAV and the related perl module, ClamAV is accessible for ASSP. Switch back to the ASSP web-interface and open the tab Attachments & Viruses. Add /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl to Port or file socket for ClamAV and apply the changes.


10 Integrate ASSP Into Postfix

The easiest part...

vi /etc/postfix/


smtp	inet	n	-	-	-	-	smtpd


125	inet	n	-	-	-	-	smtpd

Restart Postfix and ASSP:

/etc/init.d/postfix restart
/etc/init.d/assp restart


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