Apache And MySQL Monitoring With Bijk On Debian Lenny

This tutorial describes how you can monitor your server with the tool Bijk. Bijk creates online 30 graphs about load, CPU, memory, traffic, Apache, NginX, PostreSQL and others with alerts. Bijk can be used on Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat and Gentoo. In this article I will explain how to install Bijk on Debian.

Bijk is free server monitoring service, which creates 30 types of online graphs about your server with SMS and email alerts.

You can try first Online Demo.


Step 0 - Preliminary Notes

In order to complete this tutorial you should have a base system of Debian Lenny.


Step 1 - Add new repository - Bijk package

wget http://apt.bijk.com/archive-key.asc -O - | apt-key add -
echo "deb http://apt.bijk.com/debian lenny main" >>/etc/apt/sources.list


Step 2 - Install Bijk-node package

aptitude update
aptitude install bijk-node


Step 3 - Get Client Hash

cat /etc/bijk/client_hash

Now, you have your server ready for running Bijk.


Step 4 - Create online account - Bijk graphs

Go to https://www.bijk.com/signup and create your free Bijk.com account.


Step 5 - Add your server to Bijk monitoring

Choose your Linux distribution - Debian - and insert Server name, IP address and Client hash.


Step 6 - Add server

Click on Add server - your server will be online - first graphs will be online in about 20 minutes later.

Now, you have online your first package of online graphs: CPU, memory, load, traffic, disk graphs and others.

If you need, you can add more graphs, e.g. for Apache, MySQL, NginX and others.


Step 7 - Configure Apache graphs

For creating Apache graphs, you need to change the configuration on your server.


7.1 - Edit configuration file

nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf


7.2 - Find the line containing:

<Location /server-status>


7.3 - Uncomment the whole section until you reach the following line:




Domain: replace ".example.com" with the following IP address: ""

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