
RESTORE-EE (Enterprise Edition) User Manual - Page 3

5 Managing Permissions


Whenever you have a massive amount of critical data in one location, security becomes a concern. This is where Restore's ownership and permissions come in. They enable your users to manage their own backups while still keeping their data safe from prying eyes.


5.1 Permissions

Restore handles access to Filestores through the use of groups and roles. As the admin user, you have full rights to every Filestore. Each particular Filestore has the option to change the owner of the Filestore or add roles to it. By adding roles to a Filestore, you are giving either individual users or groups access to it. To get started setting up permissions, click on the Filestore and choose the "Permissions" tab. (Figure 1)

Figure 1 - Permissions Tab


5.2 Groups

A group of users may be created by the administrator. A group may be give "group permissions", either Read, Read/Write, or Admin. This means taht the group permission on that Filestore relates specifically to that group. For example, if Joe and Bob do not own the target, but need read and right permissions to that Filestore, the administrator can create a group (Chapter 2) called "Test Group" and add Joe and Bob to the group. Then, the administrator can grant the group "Test Group" Read/Write permissions and both Joe and Bob will be able to access the Target accordingly. This is done using "Roles" which we will cover in the next section.


5.3 Ownership / Roles

A user can also display ownership of a Filestore. In fact, any time a user creates a Filestore, they are automatically granted ownership of the Filestore. With ownership comes full read, write, and execute permissions on that Filestore. The owner may reassign ownership of the Filestore to another user by selecting a new owner from using the "Target Owner" drop down shown in Figure 1. The administrator is also able to reassign ownership using the same method.
Roles are used to assign groups or individual users access to the Filestore. By clicking the + symbol next to roles, you can assign additional roles to users and groups. (Figure 2)

Figure 2 - Roles

On the "Account" drop down, you may choose either any user or group you have created that need to have rights to the Target. On the next drop down, "Permission", You have the ability to grant Read, Read and Write, or Full Admin privileges. Once you are done, click the create button. NOTE: At anytime you need to remove a role. You will see a "remove" link next to the role you have created.


6 User Preferences


You've seen how Restore can be customized to your precise needs. Now we'll take a quick look at how it can be customized to your preferences.


6.1 Setting Preferences

Restore allows you at anytime to set preferences such as changing your password, setting email alerts, and to display the home page at startup. (Figure 1) To access this, choose the "Preferences" on the main toolbar that is displayed at the top of every page you go to.

Figure 1 - Preferences


6.2 Changing Information

Once you are in the Preferences screen, you can edit your First, Last name by typing it into the fields. To change your password, simply type your new one in the fields, (Be sure to type the same password in both fields, Password and Confirm Password).

Restore is able to send you regularly scheduled reports about the status of your Filestores. In order to have these notifications sent, place a check mark in the according box. Once you are finished updating your preferences, click the "Update" button and you will be notified that your preferences have been updated.


Created by: Dan Russell 

RESTORE-EE (Enterprise Edition) User Manual - Page 3