3.2 Installing From The Sources
Run the following commands:
apt-get remove exim4 exim4-base lpr nfs-common portmap pidentd pcmcia-cs pppoe pppoeconf ppp pppconfig
apt-get install iproute bridge-utils python-twisted gcc-3.3 binutils make libcurl3-dev zlib1g-dev python-dev transfig bzip2 screen ssh debootstrap libcurl3-dev libncurses5-dev (1 line!)
cd ~
mkdir xen
cd xen
mkdir archive
cd archive
3.2.1 Install Xen
Now execute these commands:
wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-
wget http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/downloads/xen-2.0.7-src.tgz
cd ..
tar -xvzf archive/xen-2.0.7-src.tgz
tar -xvjf archive/linux-
cd xen-2.0
make world
make install
sh ./install.sh
Now Xen is installed. In order to start the Xen services at boot time, do the following:
update-rc.d xend defaults 20 21
update-rc.d xendomains defaults 21 20
3.2.2 Compile A New dom0 Kernel
Next we compile a new dom0 kernel with Xen-, iptables-, quota-, and dummy support. The kernel will be installed to ~/xen/install so that we can save it for other machines. From ~/xen/install we will install it to the real locations. Xen works with kernel 2.6.11, so I take the latest 2.6.11 kernel ( instead of newer kernels, e.g. 2.6.14.
cd ..
mv /lib/tls /lib/tls.disabled
cp -al linux- linux-
cd xen-2.0/linux-2.6.11-xen-sparse/
./mkbuildtree ../../linux-
cd ../..
echo "-xen0" > linux-
diff -Naur linux- linux- > archive/linux-
cd linux-
patch -p1 < ../archive/linux-
cd ../
mkdir install
cd linux-
cp arch/xen/configs/xen0_defconfig .config
ARCH=xen; INSTALL_PATH=../install; INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../install
make oldconfig
make menuconfig
In the kernel configuration menu that shows up we have to enable quota, iptables and the dummy network driver as modules. This is where you enable these modules:
File systems --> [*] Quota support
<M> Old quota format support
<M> Quota format v2 support
Device Drivers ---> Networking support ---> <M> Dummy net driver support
Device Drivers ---> Networking support ---> Networking options ---> [*] Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains) ---> IP: Netfilter Configuration ---> <M> IP tables support (required for filtering/masq/NAT)
[*] means: build into the kernel statically.
<M> means: build as a kernel module.
Now we install the kernel to ~/xen/install:
make modules
make modules_install
make install
Finally, we copy the kernel to the "real" locations:
cd ../install/
cp boot/* /boot
cp -r lib/modules/ /lib/modules
cp -r usr/include/xen /usr/include
(If you are interested, this is my dom0 kernel configuration.)
3.2.3 Configure The Bootloader And Reboot
Next we add our new kernel to Grub, our bootloader. Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, and before the line ### BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST add the following stanza:
title Xen 2.0.7 / XenLinux |
Make sure that /dev/hda6 is your / partition. Keep in mind what I said about Grub and partitioning in chapter 1!
Now reboot the system:
shutdown -r now
At the boot prompt, Grub should now list Xen 2.0.7 / XenLinux as the first kernel and boot it automatically. If your system comes up without problems, then everything is fine!
3.2.4 Compile A New domU Kernel
Now we compile a new domU kernel for our virtual machines. Again, we install the kernel in ~/xen/install and copy it to the real location afterwards:
cd ~/xen
cd linux-
make clean
cd ../
cp -al linux- linux-
cd xen-2.0/linux-2.6.11-xen-sparse/
./mkbuildtree ../../linux-
cd ../..
echo "-xenU" > linux-
diff -Naur linux- linux- > archive/linux-
cd linux-
patch -p1 < ../archive/linux-
cd ../
rm -fr install
mkdir install
cd linux-
cp arch/xen/configs/xenU_defconfig .config
ARCH=xen; INSTALL_PATH=../install; INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../install
make oldconfig
make menuconfig
In the kernel comfiguration menu that shows up we have to enable quota and iptables as modules (it is important that they are modules. I could not get iptables to work in a virtual machine when I compiled it into the kernel statically!). This is where you enable these modules:
File systems --> [*] Quota support
<M> Old quota format support
<M> Quota format v2 support
Device Drivers ---> Networking support ---> Networking options ---> [*] Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains) ---> IP: Netfilter Configuration ---> <M> IP tables support (required for filtering/masq/NAT)
[*] means: build into the kernel statically.
<M> means: build as a kernel module.
Now we install the kernel to ~/xen/install:
make modules
make modules_install
make install
Finally, we copy the kernel to the "real" locations:
cd ../install/
cp boot/* /boot
cp -r lib/modules/ /lib/modules
cp -r usr/include/xen /usr/include
(This is my domU kernel configuration.)