
The Perfect Setup - OpenVZ with CentOS 4.4 - Page 2

Step #3 – Configuring Grub, Network and Security

Now the boot loader GRUB will be installed. You can leave the default settings unchanged and click on Next:

On to the network settings. The default setting here is to configure the network interfaces with DHCP, but we are installing a server, so static IP addresses are not a bad idea... Click on the Edit button at the top right. In the window that pops up uncheck Configure using DHCP and give your network card a static IP address (in this tutorial I'm using the IP address for demonstration purposes):

Set the hostname manually, e.g., and enter a gateway (e.g. and up to three DNS servers (e.g.,, and

SELinux is a security extension of CentOS that should provide extended security. In my opinion you don't need it to configure a secure system, and it usually causes more problems than advantages

Click on Proceed:

Step #4 – Other Settings

Select the default language for the system and add further languages, if necessary:

Choose your time zone:

Give root a password:

Step #5 – Package Selection and Finalizing the system

Now we are to select the package groups. Uncheck packages on the server group. Install a bare OS without any applications

The installer tells you which CDs it will need to install the selected packages:

The installation begins. This will take a few minutes:

Finally, the installation is complete, and you can remove your CD from the computer and reboot it:

Step #6 - Post Installation

yum update -y
shutdown now -r
The Perfect Setup - OpenVZ with CentOS 4.4 - Page 2