Comments on KnowledgeTree Document Management System On Ubuntu 7.10 Server
KnowledgeTree Document Management System On Ubuntu 7.10 Server This guide will walk you through installing the KnowledgeTree Document Management System on Ubuntu 7.10 Server. This guide does not include any pictures. I just felt with this type of install, that they were not warranted.
1 Comment(s)
A much cleaner way of installing knowledgetree on ubuntu is to symlink the /opt/ktdms/ to /etc/init.d/
here is what I did
ln -s /opt/ktdms/ /etc/init.d/ktdms
update-rc.d ktdms defaults
doing this would add ktdms to my ini.t startup scripts and it makes it very easy to start the process by just doing sudo /etc/init.d/ktdms start or sudo /etc/init.d/ktdms stop if I want to stop it. It also allow the ktdms to bootup with my system. I find this much cleaner compared to adding it to cron